Christmas Card 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

This year we opted out of the whole physical Christmas Card thing to "Go Green" so I decided to do a virtual Christmas Card and you can see that below :) 

We are in Atlanta celebrating Christmas with my family and relaxing. It has been so nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The little ones have had such a fun time being spoiled by family which they normally don't see and it doesn't help the situation that they are the only grandchildren on this side of the family. But they are loving every bit of it. And let me tell you my family is too. I am so glad we were able to come up and bring some joy and laughter to my parents through the little ones!

I will definitely post a little recap and pictures when I get back home. This is all I have time for today!


Holiday Gift Guide for HER

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Both of my babies are napping right now, at the same time...HOORAY!! Just a little FYI, this never and i mean NEVER happens! You've got one happy momma right now! And I have piles of dirty laundry to sort through upstairs but working on this post was so much better hehe! Laundry never ends with babies...seriously. Procrastination at it's finest. Here is the last and best Holiday Gift Guide for the extra special women in your life! These are just a few fab ideas for all of those wives, mothers, mother-in-laws, sisters, girlfriends, sister-in laws, nieces, daughters, etc. that you just have NO idea what to get them. Hope this helps! 

2. Bloomingdale's // UGG Glitter Flats
3. Sephora // Clinique Chubby Treats
7. Target // Flannel Pj's
8. J.Crew factory // Bow Sweater


DIY: Polka-Dot Holiday Wrapping Paper

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hello there!! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with their family and friends! We sure did! This is the first year that Little Gus is starting to understand a little bit more what is going on  and he has become quite the little helper! So Friday he helped me put up our Christmas tree. We had Christmas music playing all day, it was so nice! He loved taking out all of our ornaments, of course he thought they were balls so he threw them everywhere. Thank God I have yet to invest in  some nice ornaments and mine are nice, cheap, and plastic so no harm can be done...hehe. Nevertheless, it was so nice to have him be a part of the Christmas tree this year.

This weekend I made some pretty fabulous wrapping paper (budget-friendly, of course) and wanted to share on how to make it! It's oh so very simple and will need just a few materials! The very best part is that I already had everything I needed so I only spent $1 !! The hubs was so excited hahah! 

- Craft paint in color(s) of your choice
- Wine corks
(I have been saving the corks off the bottles of wine we open ;))
-Brown Mailing paper 
($1 at the Dollar Tree or you can get it at the Post Office)
-Ribbon for wrapping the gift afterwards
(Had some left-over from my son's birthday party)

All you have to do it unravel the mailing paper on the floor or on a long table and dip one end of the cork into the paint and stamp away! I used different corks for each color. The corks make the most perfect circles on the paper. I left mine to dry overnight because I didn't want to risk any smudges. 

This is a cute project that you could even do with your little ones, obviously with kids paint and not permanent craft paint. 

If you have any questions feel free to ask! 



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