I hope you are all staying warm, wherever you are. Well, while most of the United States probably freezing their hiney off, we are having a beautiful yucky rainy day. I miss having a little cold but when Atlanta is frozen over--it;s not even snow, I am quite content being in Miami.
Friday night we went out for pizza with some friends to celebrate the hubs getting his General Contracting license. I haven't mentioned this on here yet but I am so incredibly proud him. He's worked so hard for this!
We ran our first 5k together as a family on Valentine's Day at the Miami Zoo, pushing the double stroller with an extra 70 pounds between G and O...talk about a work out. My sister-in-law ran it with us too so between Gus, her and I we switched off pushing the kiddos.
They absolutely LOVED it! mainly because they were getting pushed and they felt like they were racing too. Gus kept saying "this is soooo cooool" and "hurry papa, hurry!!". He just wanted to go faster while we were in the middle of a severe struggle. ha. it was funny.
The course went right through the zoo, so we ran past all the animals ---the kids were loving it. Don't ask me about my time. We did horrible but my intention is to start running so I had to start somewhere. I knew if i didnt sign up for an organized running event I would never start. So that's exactly what i did. And the hubs was already starting to change his mind about running it. And when we got there Saturday morning, he decided to run it and LOVED it!!!
We're running another one on Saturday! I'm pumped!
We came home and took a family nap and exchanged V-day gifts and had a Valentine's dinner at home with the kiddos ;) We were too tired and in too much pain to go anywhere. Plus we didn't even want to attempt to take on a restaurant on the year Valentine's Day fell on a Saturday in Miami. I am not friends with Miami traffic or intense crowds.
Sunday, was a family day. We spent it with my in-laws and my sister-in-law. These four are partners in crime!
And yesterday was just a rough day. It started out great. I got a lot accomplished while Gus was at school and then he came home and nap-time was cut short due to a bad cough he has developed within the past 24 hours. so naturally, he woke his sister up because they are partners in crime like that.
so yeah...
we had a very longgggg afternoon. we did every activity inside that we have and that I could come up with, without having to take them outside, because of Gus' cough.
And of course, Gus had to work late.
okay i'm done, venting.
Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!
And today is Aah Wednesday and the start of Lent of Christians and Catholics. That said I should probably share what I'll be giving up for Lent, except for I haven't decided. I can tell you one thing...It most definatley will NOT be wine.
Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!
And today is Aah Wednesday and the start of Lent of Christians and Catholics. That said I should probably share what I'll be giving up for Lent, except for I haven't decided. I can tell you one thing...It most definatley will NOT be wine.