my next MOM bag

Saturday, July 12, 2014

It's time that we graduate from the typical diaper bag. Not only am I sooooo over hauling around a huge diaper bag but Gus and Olivia are both at an age where I don't have to carry half the house wherever we go. These days I will typically take some snacks, their sippy cups, diapers and wipes along for our outings. HALLELUIAH!!!

That being said I am looking for a cute purse/tote/mom bag I can use as an everyday purse but also big enough to be able to carry their things around as well. I have narrowed down to my favorites so here they are...

I'm sure you already I have a weakness for anything Kate Spade...I love this one because it's NYLON and simply be wiped down in case of a spill which will occur several or more than several times a day. This one is a "baby bag" on their website but it's nice and large and fits my requirements and it's on sale which is a win win in my books.
This one is half off on Shop bop right now! I am totally in love with it because it is both black and brown and it's HUGE but it looks like a carryall purse! I think I am leaning more towards this one!
Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend! We sure are!

1 comment:

  1. I think I would go for the last bag as well. Simply because it is both black and brown. Carry you through all the seasons. Plus it's put of this work large!


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