Happy Friday!! Yay for the weekend! Alrighty here we go:
{one} I finally switched over to the iphone 5 this week!! yay!! My phone had horrible connection in our building and all my calls would drop frequently. I was a tad scared to switch over from Android...it's going alright so far haha. I am still trying to figure it all out. I spent about half the day trying to figure out how to post on Instagram from my camera roll, until I decided to just google it. Still trying to figure out how to attach a file to an email...I think I may have to just google this one too!
{two} I snagged up these fabulous bows for Olivia's Easter basket this week! Honeysuckle Accessories was having a flash sale on Instagram!! Woohoo! I'm obsessed with them! I'm starting to get goodies for the Gus and Olivia's Easter basket's together little by little!
{three} Did you see my book review post for "The Mother of all Meltdowns" earlier this week? This book is hilarious for mommies and mommies to be! I definitely recommend it if you want a good laugh! You can check it out here
{four} Here's a little flashback Friday for ya...This was last May at my sister's Graduation Party in Atlanta! Look at how little the kids were. Olivia was about 2 months old and Gus was about 18 months! And of course there I am with long hair and bangs. Yep, those lasted about a month until I realized I didn't have time to style bangs. They were nice for a change but they had to go!
{five} We are starting to talk preschool over here for our little guy. Starting to look at different schools and their programs. We aren't planning to put Gus in school immediately but for the near future. We want to find the best choice and fit for him...and takes time and discernment. We don't want to just put him anywhere.
We are touring a school next week...
I am not sure how I feel about this. The little person that made me a mother going to school? It would only be part-time but still.
Have a fabulous weekend!!